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Navarra, the third community in the State with the highest number of moviegoers

Navarra, the third community in the State with the highest number of moviegoers

Navarra, the third community in the State with the highest number of moviegoers

Euskaraz irakurri: Nafarroa, zinema-ikusle kopuru gehien dituen hirugarren erkidegoa Estatuan

The cinemas of the Foral Community of Navarre They brought together a total of 935,436 spectators in 2022, which, considering the population residing in the community, shows that Navarrese went to the cinema on average 1.41 times in 2022, according to data from the Spanish Federation of Cinemas (FECE). Navarra would thus be the third community in the State with the highest number of moviegoers.

Ahead of Navarre, the most movie-loving communities are Madrid and Catalonia. In Madrid there were a total of 12,329,648 spectators over the past year, which reflects that the people of Madrid went to the cinema an average of 1.83 times in 2022. In the case of Catalonia, 11,461,953 people went to see movies on the big screen in 2022, with an average of 1.47 visits per year.

In Basque Country, cinemas gathered 2.7 million viewers in 2022, so that Basque citizens went to the cinema an average of 1.23 times last year, above the Spanish average of 1.11. In the BAC there are, in absolute terms, 196 movie screensand the average number of screens per million inhabitants is 88.7, a figure that is only surpassed by La Rioja and Navarra.

The autonomous communities with fewer viewers they were Castilla-La Mancha (0.37), Extremadura (0.76) and Asturias (0.93).

Regarding the collection of the theaters, according to the data of the Federation of Cinemas of Spain, Madrid was the community in which the most money was raised in 2022, since 85,414,005 euros entered, ahead of Catalonia (76,454,960 euros).

Source: Eitb

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