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Bedbug.  How to get rid of her?  Sprinkle this spice and the parasites will be gone in no time

Bedbug. How to get rid of her? Sprinkle this spice and the parasites will be gone in no time

The bed bug is a parasite that feeds on the blood of humans and animals. If we have observed characteristic bites on the body, we can be sure that there is a bed bug in our house. How to get rid of it so that it never comes back?

Bedbugs are difficult to eradicate, so as soon as we notice the first signs of its presence, action should be taken. The bed bug is a small insect that is brown and red in color and has no wings or the ability to jump. How to remove bedbugs from your home once and for all?

Bedbug. Where does it live and how to recognize it?

The bed bug often comes home with us from trips. Therefore, after returning, you should immediately wash, iron and disinfect your clothes and suitcase. Bed bugs are not necessarily found only in neglected places. They happen even in expensive and elegant hotels. The bed bug chooses an environment where it finds plenty of food. It hides in the folds of mattresses, upholstery, cracks in floors or furniture, or behind wallpaper. It’s hard to spot because it’s transparent until it’s full. It only turns brown after eating. Bed bugs most often attack at night, and we can recognize their activity by red and itchy spots.

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Bedbug in the apartment. How to get rid of it once and for all?

Removing bed bugs from your home is not easy. Remember that before taking action, you should wash at least 60 degrees Celsius all things where bed bugs could have lived – bedding, pillows, duvets, blankets or clothes. Then vacuum the apartment, paying attention to crevices and nooks and crannies where parasites can hide. We should throw away the vacuum cleaner bag so that the insects do not come out. Then it’s worth using. Bedbugs die under the influence of high temperature, so treating the apartment with steam will help us exterminate the pests. A good way is also to sprinkle turmeric in the nooks and crannies. This spice works to repel bedbugs, but remember not to spill it in places that can discolor.

Source: Gazeta

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