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Rub it into your hair every night.  This grandma’s way will make them grow like crazy

Rub it into your hair every night. This grandma’s way will make them grow like crazy

Do you dream of beautiful, thick and shiny hair? This grandma’s way will make them grow like crazy. They will be shiny and thicker than ever.

Beautiful, thick, shiny and elastic hair is a dream of many. However, in order to achieve this effect, hair requires proper care and care. How to make your hair grow faster, shinier and thicker? We come to help…

On average, hair grows about an inch a month. However, this is a fairly general statistic. Hair grows the fastest during childhood, in adults this process slows down. There are many factors that affect the rate of hair growth – diet, care habits, diseases. Individual genetic predispositions are also important. In addition, we lose up to 100 hairs a day.

Beautiful and healthy hair for spring photo Shutterstock

If you want to grow long, shiny hair, there are a few things you can do

First of all, take care of a proper diet. To strengthen the structure of the hair, provide the body with appropriate building and nutritional ingredients. An ideal diet for hair growth contains elements such as zinc, copper, magnesium, silicon, as well as sulfur amino acids, vitamins A, E, C and B vitamins, and omega 3 acids.

In addition, you can massage your head, which will improve blood circulation and stimulate hair growth. You can also perform scalp peeling, which stimulates the strands to grow and prevents their excessive loss.

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If you want your hair to grow faster, rub it into your scalp

In addition to all the preparations available at the drugstore, you can also try natural, home remedies that our grandmothers used. This homemade conditioner will make your hair grow like crazy. They will be nourished, shiny and thick.

How to prepare a homemade peppermint, horsetail, sage and burdock rub?

Peppermint, nettle, horsetail, sage and burdock will work wonders for your hair.

  1. Put a teaspoon of nettle, horsetail, sage and burdock in a glass.
  2. Then pour the whole thing with boiling water.
  3. In a separate glass, brew coffee from three teaspoons.
  4. Separately chop the onion and add two teaspoons of water to it, wait until it releases the juice.
  5. Mix the chilled mixtures together.

Massage the granny’s cream into the scalp and leave it for 20 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo.


Source: Gazeta

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