Krzysztof Tyniec’s father left the family when he was less than two years old. Soon he remarried, the mother also created a new relationship. She got married and gave birth to a daughter. Despite these childhood experiences, he managed to create a happy relationship that lasted almost half a century. What is his secret?
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Krzysztof Tyniec met his wife during a rock concert in the church. He rarely talks about her in interviews
The couple met when they were both teenagers. – Then I was in love with one Beata, but she did not pay attention to me. I wrote poems to her, I imagined: Ah, if only she would get hit by a car and I would resuscitate her. Or if she started drowning in the lake… I made up such incredible things. Until one day we were playing a concert with a rock band. In the church! I see a wonderful girl sitting in the other pew. Me too, she liked it. We were 16 years old – said the actor. “We met later, at a disco, and that’s how it all started. And so we dance together to this day – confessed Tyniec in an interview with .
Krzysztof Tyniec and his wife Jagoda have been together for over 50 years. He often emphasizes that despite the passage of years, the feeling still does not die out. Krzysztof Tyniec, however, rarely speaks in detail about private matters. Even before he became a famous actor, he promised his wife that he would not talk about her in interviews. Sometimes, however, they lift the veil of secrecy.
They have been together for over 50 years. What is his recipe for a successful marriage?
Tyniec emphasizes that there is no recipe for happiness and success. “You just have to think about the other person, their wants and needs, and not just about yourself. Egoism in a relationship is not advisable – the actor revealed in an interview with “Fact”. However, there were some problems. At a time when Tyniec was a sought-after actor, he was rarely at home with his family. This situation finally began to bother his wife. – Once she asked me: Can you at least have Mondays off for us? Because you haven’t been home for 25 years – he revealed in an interview with the service. And although he promised her improvement, it did not last very long. – It takes a lot of understanding to be with a man like me for many years – he added.
Source: Gazeta

Bruce is a talented author and journalist with a passion for entertainment . He currently works as a writer at the 247 News Agency, where he has established himself as a respected voice in the industry.