Mincetur: Isabel Álvarez Novoa is the new Vice Minister of Tourism

The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) appointed the sociologist, cook and outstanding gastronomic researcher Maria Isabel Novoa as the new Vice Minister of Tourism.

Through Ministerial Resolution No. 009-2021-MINCETUR, the also founder of the Peruvian Association of Gastronomy (Apega) is appointed to replace the Vice Minister of Foreign Trade, Diego Sebastián Llosa Velásquez, who was in charge of both offices from the last August 25, when the head of Tourism, Lyda García, resigned.

Precisely, the head of the Mincetur, Roberto Sánchez Palomino, had advanced the appointment of a woman to the Vice Ministry of Tourism during the inauguration of the VIII Festival del Chancho al Palo organized by the Association of Hotels, Restaurants and Related of the province of Huaral (Now Huaral). This event continues to this day in that city.

Isabel Álvarez Novoa is the author of at least fifteen specialized publications on Peruvian gastronomy that cover traditions and recipes from all over the country. She is also a communicator, professor, ambassador for the Peru Brand and owner of the restaurant “El Señorío de Sulco”.

“She is a leader and researcher with more than fifteen publications on the gastronomy of the regions throughout the country. She has been an ambassador for the Country Brand and has more than twenty years of research and articulated work ”, emphasized Sánchez Palomino in Huaral.

As it is recalled, last Wednesday, August 25, the resignations of the Vice Ministers of Tourism and Mines, Lyda García Cortez and Jorge Luis Montero, who were appointed during the administration of former President Francisco Sagasti, were accepted. Fifty days later, the replacement is finally found.

The resolution confirming Isabel Álvarez Novoa in office has the signature of President Pedro Castillo and Minister Roberto Sánchez.


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