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Produce: grants of more than S / 1 million are approved for projects and innovation competitions

The Ministry of Production (Produce) approved the grants in favor of natural and private legal persons for different projects and business innovation competitions under the 2021 Institutional Budget of the executing unit 004 of the National Innovation Program for Competitiveness and Productivity (Proinnovate).

By means of the Resolution No. 324-2021 Subsidies were authorized for the total amount of S / 1 million 869,396, which will be distributed as follows: S / 87,150 in the source of financing resources for official credit operations (local contribution); S / 1 million 134,565 from the source of financing, donations and transfers, and S / 647,681 from the source of financing.


The resolution indicates that these grants are awarded in order to co-finance the disbursements, according to the following detail: “Five projects of Code Bootcamps Contest – Phase II, 23 projects of Mipyme de Calidad, a project of Mypime Digital, 14 projects of Pymipe Reactivadas Alternativa 1, a Cluster Support Program project, six Innovation projects for Micro-businesses, two Business Innovation projects for Micro-businesses – Innovate to Reactivate and two Validation and Packaging Innovation projects ”.


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