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Ministry of the Environment: Extension of the deadline for mining formalization is a setback

The Ministry of the Environment (Minam) issued a statement stating that the extension of the term for mining formalization, approved by the Congress of the Republic, is an environmental risk and a setback in the fight against illegal mining.

The ministry assured that the expansion approved by the Legislature does not guarantee the fundamental rights of the people affected by these unsustainable activities.

“The approved bill generally extends the term of formalization without establishing conditions that ensure the objectives of the formalization process,” the entity specified in the statement.

The Minam also criticized that the regulations establish a deadline and processes for the approval of the policy and law on small-scale mining and artisanal mining. “We consider that the period of up to three years for the elaboration of the policy is not justified and that 180 days are established for the elaboration of the law,” he added.

The Minem welcomes the initiative

For its part, the Ministry of Energy and Mines (Minem) welcomed the approval of the opinion and stressed that “there were coincidences with the Legislative Power and with mining associations in the preparation of the project, which leads to the fulfillment of commitments assumed by all parties” .

“The Minem issued a favorable opinion on the approved norm because it allows miners who have been doing things well, to continue their path to formality,” he said in a press release.


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