They consider it possible to reduce the working day without affecting salaries

They consider it possible to reduce the working day without affecting salaries

In the middle of this year, Chile approved a law to reduce the working day from 45 to 40 hours per week, which will be applied progressively for a total period of five years. Faced with this labor change in the neighboring country, which is also promoted in Peru through legislative initiatives, the Bumeran portal carried out a survey to evaluate how feasible it would be to apply this measure.

The survey reveals that 73% of human resources specialists consider that it is possible to reduce the working day in Peru without affecting workers’ salaries.

This acceptance is higher than in other countries in the region, where the portal also carried out the same study. In Chile, only 67% believe it is feasible; in Argentina, 66%; in Panama, 63%; and, finally, in Ecuador, only 25%. It is worth mentioning that currently the working day is 48 hours per week in Peru, which is why it is classified as one of the longest unlike Latin American countries, according to a Bloomberg report.

“Although this is not an issue that is currently considered applicable in the country, it is a regional trend that will have to be discussed at some point. Therefore, with this survey we seek to analyze both the benefits and the challenges that companies will have to face to achieve this change,” says Dora Pinedo, head of Marketing at Boomerang Peru.

Likewise, 62% of Peruvian human resources specialists affirm that it is possible to implement a reduction in working hours in their organizations.

In this sense, 68% see it as more feasible to reduce the number of hours worked per day, while 32% consider that it is better to reduce the number of work days to four.

However, when asked if it is in their plans to implement a reduction in working hours, the situation changes. 84% do not plan to apply it in the short term and only 16% confirm that they will do it soon. Of this last group, 80% plan to reduce the number of hours worked per day, while 20% will establish that they only work four days.

Despite this, 94% of the specialists consulted are aware that companies that implement a reduction in working hours are more attractive for new talents.


According to experts, reducing the working day brings many benefits for workers and companies.

Among the main benefits are that a reduced working day provides a better balance between work and personal life; In addition, it allows you to optimize time, increases physical and mental rest and lowers stress levels.

Likewise, 58% of experts agree that working less time increases workers’ productivity and makes them more motivated to carry out their daily tasks. At the same time, they conclude that there would be fewer talent resignations and leaves and absences by employees would be reduced.

58% of experts agree that working less time increases worker productivity.

Shorter days are coming

For 88% of human resources specialists, the future trend points to a reduction in the working day in Peru. For this reason, there are bills in Congress in that sense.

In this regard, 45% of those surveyed consider that working conditions could be improved in the legislative proposals presented.

Source: Larepublica

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