Peru has the option of developing another Shirt, the main complex from which natural gas is exploited for domestic consumption and export. Lot 76, located in the region Mother of God and the limits of Cusco and Puno, It concentrates reserves of approximately 16 trillion cubic feet of fuel, according to the Minister of Energy and Mines, Oscar Vera Gargurevich.
To resume the project, last Friday, there was a meeting in Cusco with ministers of state, regional authorities and congressmen from the three regions involved. The delegation had planned to travel to Salvación – Madre de Dios to talk with the communities, however, bad weather prevented the trip.
The gas lot belongs to the Peruvian State. The transnational Hunt Oil was in charge of its exploration, however, it resigned from it in 2017.
The Minister of Economy and Finance, Alex Alonso Contreras Miranda, pointed out that the project will be carried out as long as there is social consensus. In that sense, The Minister of Culture, Leslie Urteaga Peña, said that the indigenous communities will be consulted. This mechanism is provided for by Peruvian law to ask indigenous residents before starting an extractive project.
The congressmen were also present at the meeting held in Cusco. Guido Bellido and Katty Ugarte. Both agreed that exploitation must occur without impacting the environment and first guarantee natural gas for Peruvians.
Several environmentalists and indigenous communities reject this project, given that it will affect a biodiverse area located in southeastern Peru.
Source: Larepublica

Alia is a professional author and journalist, working at 247 news agency. She writes on various topics from economy news to general interest pieces, providing readers with relevant and informative content. With years of experience, she brings a unique perspective and in-depth analysis to her work.