Lurawi Peru: They transfer more than S/57 million to finance 18,000 temporary jobs

Lurawi Peru: They transfer more than S/57 million to finance 18,000 temporary jobs

He Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion (MTPE) approved transfer a total of S/ 57 million 052,398 to the Lurawi Peru temporary employment program, which will finance more than 18,000 temporary jobs. Through Ministerial Resolution No. 220-2023-TR, it is specified that the beneficiaries are 228 district municipalities from 12 regions, which will develop a total of 410 immediate intervention activities, for the benefit of their population.

The budget will finance works in the departments of Áncash (with 9 agreements signed), Arequipa (93), Ayacucho (100), Huancavelica (1), Huánuco (1), Junín (43), La Libertad (32), Lima ( 97), Loreto (10), Madre de Dios (17), Puno (2) and San Martín (5), which will allow the creation of 18,233 formal jobs of a temporary nature.

Lurawi Peru is a program that generates temporary jobs for the benefit of the most vulnerable population in the country, through the financing of immediate intervention activities or basic, social and economic infrastructure projects, intensive in unskilled labor, that are presented and executed by local and regional governments.

This MTPE program prioritizes the participation of vulnerable populations such as people with disabilities, victims of gender violence and victims of the period of violence from 1980-2000, as well as those rescued by terrorism. It also serves relatives of people with severe disabilities (registered in the Contigo Program).

Source: Larepublica

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