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Fonavi: dictate guidelines for debt payment

Fonavi: dictate guidelines for debt payment

The ad hoc commission has established the guidelines so that 250,000 households can pay their debt at National Housing Fund (Fonavi) in accordance with articles 1, 8, 9 and 10 of Law No. 31173, according to the National Federation of Fonavistas and Pensioners of Peru (Fenaf-Peru Association). It should be noted that of this universe, 60% had applied for credit in cash and 40% for housing, approximately. When the Banco de Materiales (BANMAT) was operational, it provided loans in cash and through land and housing modules with Fonavi funds.

When its dissolution was declared, the families no longer had how or where to pay and over the years their debt accumulated default and compensatory interest that to date they have not been able to clean up as it is very high. With the approved guidelines they will be able to settle their debt and in many cases access a home. With this return, the fonavistas expect to recover around S/1,000 million that will be used for the return of contributions, with which the Commission’s account could approach the total amount of S/3,000 million.

For example, a person who obtained a loan for S/5,000, today plus interest would have to pay S/275,000, therefore, thanks to the guidelines issued, the debt would amount to only S/10,000. “Simply paying the legal interest that has been generated on the payment date. This generates a minimum and possible amount to pay for the gentlemen who are mostly people who do not have many resources,” said Jorge Milla, a member of the commission. Also, if they pay cash they will receive a 25% discount, he added.

  MEF authorizes liquidation of the Materials Bank for financial losses / Photo: MEF

MEF authorizes liquidation of the Materials Bank for financial losses / Photo: MEF

Meanwhile, the following statement is shown on the BANMAT website: “For the implementation of the aforementioned guidelines, action plans are being formulated whose executions They are scheduled to take place from the second fortnight of May 2023”.

They go after full refund

After the ruling of the Constitutional Court (TC), which only recognizes the return of workers’ contributions, the Fenaf-Peru Association noted that it will continue to fight for the return of the full amount.

“Between the years 80 and 88, the worker’s contribution was 0.5% versus the employer’s contribution, which in that period was 8 times more. We will persist in the fight for the return of the employer’s contribution”, they reported.

Source: Larepublica

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