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MEF announces investment shock for S/1,000 million to reactivate paralyzed works

MEF announces investment shock for S/1,000 million to reactivate paralyzed works

The owner of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF)Alex Conteras, informed that an investment shock will be carried out between S/700 million and S/1,000 million in June and July for the reactivation of the paralyzed works.

“The great shock of the reactivation of paralyzed works will occur between June and July of this year. In fact, in two weeks the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation (MVCS) has reactivated projects that were stopped for 12 years; something is also being done in the health sector,” he commented this Saturday, May 6, on the program Diálogo Abierto on Radio Nacional.

Likewise, he said that those with a higher percentage of progress will be prioritized. “If we have a hospital or a school whose execution has an advance of 80% or 90%, we will push in that line so that it is concluded”, he added.

He reported that there is an approximate amount of S/17,000 million in paralyzed works, which will be sought to reactivate to help boost the economy. Regarding the development of infrastructure works in the country’s regions, progress has been 16%.

In detail, local governments are allocating more amounts than in the first quarter of last year. “SIf we compare April of this year with April 2022, we will see that public investment has grown by around 32%; in the case of regional governments, the growth has been 26.8%,” said Contreras.

Source: Larepublica

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