The head of the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (Midagri), nelly paredesreported this morning that, after having held a meeting with the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) on April 12, it has been determined that only the project chavimochic It will be carried out through the Government to Government (G to G) operation.
“We had a portfolio of projects as a ministry, which have been blocked for many years, considered to be included in the G to G package. Coordinating with the MEF that was not possible. In this case, only Chavimochic could pass,” Paredes commented during his participation in the Congressional Agrarian Commission.
In that sense, Lizardo Calderon, Midagri senior management advisor, explained that the ministry, through the PSI (Irrigation Subsectoral Program), culminated on April 5 with the final receipt of the concession goods and works. This occurred after the State won the arbitration award last year against the concessionaire of the megaproject.
Likewise, he indicated that three processes have been proposed in the Government-to-Government contract: previous actions, in process and to be executed.
As part of the previous actions, there is the formulation and approval of the directive that regulates the process. “This is expected to be completed no later than April 27; that is, this week the directive that regulates the procedure must already be approved with a ministerial resolution“, he claimed.
While in the second point, the actions in process, it has been requested to the MEF the necessary budgetary resources for the structuring of the G to G procedure of Chavimochic.
It has also begun with the investigation of expressions of interest to foreign States. “It is a process that has already begun this week and is ending on May 19,” Calderón said.
On the other hand, the actions that still need to be carried out include the request and designation of the technical committee, what “must be doing the second week of May”, assured the adviser.
Meanwhile, the official pointed out that the presentation of technical and economic proposals is a procedure that takes between 45 and 60 days. “yesIt is estimated that in the third week of July this process will be finished,” he said.
Finally, he specified that the request for the supreme decree, which declares the execution of Chavimochic to be of national interest, is estimated to be ready in the second week of August.
This will allow “by the end of this month (August) the signing of the Government-to-Government contract.”
What follows after signing the contract?
According to Calderón, after signing the contractual bond, the first phase is the structuring of the project management office. “The PMO is estimated to be implemented once the contract is signed, between September and November 2023,” he said.
Next, the situational evaluation of the preliminary studies will be carried out, the results of which would be between December 2023 and March 2024. “The elaboration of the terms of reference, both of the balance of the work and of the work itself, is expected to be between April and September 2024. The international procurement and contracting, between April and December 2024,” Calderón explained.
The execution of the Chavimochic project would begin in April 2024 and end in September 2027. “The reception and start-up would be in October 2027 and the process of technical assistance in the implementation, between August and December 2027,” he concluded.
Source: Larepublica

Alia is a professional author and journalist, working at 247 news agency. She writes on various topics from economy news to general interest pieces, providing readers with relevant and informative content. With years of experience, she brings a unique perspective and in-depth analysis to her work.