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Ergobia and Etxauri, champions of the ‘Harri Herri’ program

Ergobia and Etxauri, champions of the ‘Harri Herri’ program

Ergobia and Etxauri, champions of the ‘Harri Herri’ program

Euskaraz irakurri: Ergobia eta Etxauri, ‘Harri Herri’ saioko txapeldunak

Ergobia and Etxauri have won the txapela of the “Harri Herri” program. Both the women’s and men’s finals have been close. Once the work with the carved stones has been completed, they have achieved even times and although Ergobia and Etxauri have started their latest work with less time, the good performance of Karmele Gisasola and Jokin Eizmendi has given the txapela to the teams of Zelai II (Ergobia) and Ostolaza ( Etxauri).

In the women’s final, the Ergobia team from Zelai II (Karmele Gisasola, Lierni Osa and Garazi Arruti) and the Mollarri team from Izeta II (Lur Errekondo, Maddi Gesalaga and Nerea Arruti) faced each other.

The duel of carved stones has been matched. With the box of 88 kilos karmele gisasola (10 elevations) has made one more lift than lur Errekondo (9 lifts). Despite the fact that Errekondo has been about to get the tenth lift, he has not been able to carry the stone on his shoulder. Lierni bear and Maddy Gesalaga they have taken over cylinder and that of Ergobia has been imposed with 30 lifts7 more than that of Mollarri (23). With the last worked stone they have acted garazi arruti and Nerea arruti. Despite the fact that Ergobia had an advantage in the previous job, the spectacular exercise carried out by Nerea Arruti has managed to put time in Mollarri’s favor for the last job. The urnietarra has matched the ball over her shoulder in 20 occasionswhile the woman from Bilbao has done so in 12 occasions.

So things, Ergobia has gathered 2:57 minutes to work with rough stone and Mollarri 3:14. In the final, however, the organization has given each team one more minute. karmele gisasola and lur Errekondo have faced to work with Herri. Gisasola has raised the stone 13 times. Errekondo has not been able to raise it more than 11 times. Therefore, Ergobia, led by Zelai II, has taken the txapela.

In the men’s category, for their part, Etxauri, from Ostolaza (Jokin Eizmendi, Aimar Galarraga, Imanol Royo and Jokin Eizmendi (replacing Paulo Azpiazu)), and Albizuri, from Tellería (Aimar Irigoien, Hodei Iruretagoiena, Beñat Telleria and Andoni Irurteagoiena ) have been face to face.

Ostolaza has won the draw and the distribution of times, by strategy, has completely changed those of the previous qualifiers and taking advantage of the capacity and the good moment of Eizmendi has given 4 minutes in the box, 3 to cubicsubtracting time from Hodei Iruretagoeina’s specialty, one minute per cylinder and finally 2 minutes to the ball.

The first two jobs have proved Ostolaza right. Jokin eizmendi has carried on the shoulder 11 times the 200 kilo box, while irigoien has done it in 8 times (He has managed to make the ninth lift, but the referee has declared it void). aimar Galarraga and izeta IV. have worked with him cubic. Hodei Iruretagoiena’s ability with that stone is known and it has made him 14 liftsAimar Galarraga against, has raised stone 10 times.

With the cylinder they have competed imanol royo and beñat telleriaThey have both done a good job. Telleria has raised the glass in 15 occasionsLartain, for his part, in 12. Gorka Etxeberria and Andoni iruretagoiena They have been in charge of the last carved stone. Both contestants have made 18 lifts to the ball in a close competition.

Therefore, without taking into account the minute given by the organization, Etxauri has added 2:24 minutes and Albizuri 2:34. Ostolaza, as he already did in the tie, has put Jokin eizmendi to work with rough stone. Telleria, for his part, has changed and has chosen beñat telleria, whom he chose as a substitute in the tie. Eizmendi, who already knew the stone, has taken it 14 times on the shoulder. Telleria, however, has worked for the first time with Harry and although he was eager, he has not managed to equal the mark that the man from Etxauri has made and has finished with 10 lifts. Confirming the victory of those led by Ostolaza.


TIME (+1:00)
ERGOBIA 10 30 12 2:57
MOLLARRI 9 23 twenty 3:14

Scoring: TABLE (5 seconds per lift), CYLINDER (4 seconds per lift) and BALL (2 seconds per lift).

TIME (+1:00)
ETXAURI eleven 10 12 18 2:24
ALBIZURI 8 14 fifteen 18 2:34

Scoring: TABLE (4 seconds per lift), CUBIC (4 seconds per lift), CUP (2 seconds per lift) and BALL (2 seconds per lift).

Source: Eitb

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