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More than 1.6 million people from Lima earn less than the basic salary

More than 1.6 million people from Lima earn less than the basic salary

Precariousness. Women work in worse conditions than men. Unemployment level grew 30% in the capital.

According to him INEIin January of this year there are 5 million 93,700 citizens with a job, 1.1% more than what was seen between November, December (2019) and January 2020, a couple of months before the outbreak of the pandemic.

However, the disconnection persists within the recovery of labor indicators, given that the underemployment –which borders on precariousness– and covers 2,102,300 people, 17.7% more than the period prior to the coronavirus.

low paid job

Of that mass of underemployed, 1 million 644,600 (32.3% of employment in Metropolitan Lima) received a lower than average salary in January (underemployment due to income).

With this data, the percentage of Lima workers with incomes of less than a basic basket accumulated four consecutive months of growth. The rate registered between November and January represents a setback of 12 years, without considering the pandemic, pointed out the IPE.

In detail, women work more in activities for which they earn less than the general average (959,300 women in total), while the rest is completed by 685,200 men.

And, by headings, underemployment abounds due to income in services (681,000), commerce (546,300) and manufacturing (224,700).

While the underemployed by the hour – formal part-time workers are also included here – fell by 35.9%, and now there are a total of 457,700 citizens who work less than the established eight hours.

Meanwhile, there are currently 443,600 unemployed in Metropolitan Lima, 30.1% more than the period before the health emergency.

In other words, of every 100 people in the EAP, 92 have a job and 8 are looking for one.

Average income goes up slightly

In November, December and January 2020, the average income of workers was S/1,803.3, just S/5.1 more than in the period prior to COVID-19. By sex, women receive S/26.0 more (now at S/1,521.9), while men receive S/7.30 less than in 2020 (S/2,039.7).

Source: Larepublica

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