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The Euribor reaches an average of 3.333% and rises 31.5 points since December

The Euribor reaches an average of 3.333% and rises 31.5 points since December

This figure has not been given since December 2008. Check here the rate increase and how it can affect your mortgage.

Euskaraz irakurri: Euriborra % 3,333ko batez bestekora iritsi, eta 31.5 puntu igo da abendutik

Today, January 30, the Euribor has reached an average rate of 3.333%, a figure that has not occurred since December 2008. The rate at which most variable mortgages in Spain are referenced has today marked a figure of 3.368%, second best data of this month. Throughout January the rate has not dropped below 3.3%.

Since December, the Euribor has risen 31.5 points, and taking into account the data obtained a year ago, -0.477%, in these 12 months it has increased by 3.8%.

How can this affect my mortgage?

With that Euribor figure, a person who has a 30-year variable mortgage of 150,000 euros and with a differential of 0.99% plus Euribor will suffer an increase in their mortgage payment of around 294 euros. In absolute terms, you will go from paying about 450 euros to about 744 per month, which is equivalent to an additional annual outlay of more than 3,500 euros.

With the same conditions, a mortgage of 300,000 euros of capital pending amortization and 30 years pending payment would have to assume a monthly increase of 588 euros, which means more than 7,000 additional euros per year.

In the case of having to review the mortgage payment taking the January index as a reference, they will experience the largest increase in recent months.

Source: Eitb

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