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Second season of anchovy fishing could start in the next few days

The Ministry of Production (Produce) evaluates authorizing, in the coming days, the start of the second fishing season 2021 of the anchovy resource (Engraulis ringens) and anchoveta white (Anchoa nasus) for indirect human consumption, according to the results of the scientific exploration of existing biomass on our coastline carried out by the Institute of the Sea of ​​Peru (Imarpe).

Based on the report, the Minister of Production, José Roger Incio, indicated that the historical ranges of fishing in recent years to make the conservation of a species sustainable over time that generates development, well-being and significant foreign exchange for the country.

The second fishing season will take place in the north and center of the country and it will be extended in time until reaching the maximum total allowable catch limit, to be defined shortly in the Produce.

Only vessels that have a valid permit and that have the assignment of a maximum catch limit per vessel will be able to carry out fishing operations that will also be published on the Produce web portal.

Sector policy

On the other hand, Minister Incio reiterated that the sector’s policy is open-door to dialogue with all sectors, without any distinction whatsoever. With this, he highlighted the visit and working meeting with small and medium-sized fishing owners and, a few days ago, with artisanal fishermen and with the directors of the National Society of Industries and the National Fisheries Society.

In a working meeting held by the owner of Produce, with Imarpe specialists, the scientific report of the anchovy was received on the basis of which the Ministry of the sector will adopt the corresponding decision on the start of the second fishing season of this valuable resource.


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