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Law published that ensures continuity of purchases from MYPerú until December 2024

Law published that ensures continuity of purchases from MYPerú until December 2024

The Congress of the Republic published today Law 31669, approved by insistence a few days ago due to the refusal of the Executive, for the reactivation of micro and small companies (mypes), through the continuity of the processes of acquisition of goods carried out under the Purchasing Executing Nucleus (NEC) modality – Purchases from MYPErú.

The regulation indicates that the purchase executing nuclei that were constituted within the framework of the provisions of Emergency Decree No. 058-2011 and its amendments, are empowered to acquire the goods indicated in the annex to Emergency Decree No. 056-2021.

For this purpose, the norm establishes until December 31, 2024 the validity of Chapter I of Emergency Decree No. 058-2011 and its amendments.

The implementation of what is established in this law is financed from the resources of the institutional budget of the entities involved, without demanding additional resources from the Public Treasury.

Congresswoman María del Carmen Alva, author of the law, assured that the pandemic affected all sectors, but more so micro and small companies, so that more than 600,000 businesses that disappeared during 2020 belong to this scale.

“Today we can say that 99% of formal companies in Peru are mypes, of which 96% are micro-enterprises. This adds up to more than 1.7 million mypes, which run the risk of bankruptcy if their productive activity is not given sustainability, “he referred at the time.

Source: Larepublica

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