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Midagri: Government announces drought bonus for farmers affected by low rainfall

Midagri: Government announces drought bonus for farmers affected by low rainfall

The Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (Midagri) announced this morning the delivery of a drought bond aimed at farmers affected by the lack of rain throughout the country.

During the Council of Ministers conference, the head of the portfolio Nelly Paredes said that, despite the fact that some regions are already registering rainfall, the abnormal dry season has left terrible economic “consequences” for the men and women of the countryside.

“The big problem that my sector is going through is the issue of water management. We are an agricultural and forestry country. And it is not possible that our farmers and farmers are hopeful that the rains will arrive, ”he explained.

Paredes also mentioned that Midagri will redouble actions with the Subsectoral Irrigation Program (PSI), Sierra Azul and Agro Rural to launch new projects for planting and harvesting water, a colloquial term for the construction of reservoirs in the high Andean regions. .

“For next year we have a budget of S/ 83 million for the Sierra Azul project. My commitment is to execute as soon as possible, if possible in the first quarter of 2023,” said the minister.

“All the projects that we already have approved and immediately ask the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) for more resources, because the country’s water system is a priority for everyone,” he added.

Source: Larepublica

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