Bayrou is exposed to a motion of censure after approving the budgets of 2025 without vote of the Parliament

French prime minister, Francois Bayrou, said Monday Applied article 49.3 of the Constitution which allows you to use a decree and skip the support of Parliament to approve the Budget Law for 2025, A strategy that already used its predecessor Michel Barnier before having to resign last December. A measure that will probably trigger a motion of censure that will decide if your minority government survives

That is why they will discuss the same Wednesday where the Socialists do not vote the motion of censure of the insumisos. Even so, Bayrou’s continuity continues to hit a thread. Although the socialists will not secondary the motion of censure, the same They will present their own quite symbolic motion. And it must know if National Group will vote it, although the numbers come out fair without the support of the Socialists.

A decision that Bayrou tried to justify claiming that it is crucial for the country to carry out the budget. “Now we have to proceed without delay to adoption. A country like ours cannot run out of budget. The only way is to compromise the government’s responsibility. That will be done this Monday, “Bayroun explained. And among its objectives, if censorship motions do not go ahead, it is to move forward the budget” in 10 days “for France, finally have” the indispensable budgets for the life of the nation “

Two months after his nomination, Bayrou is in the same situation as his predecessor, the conservative Michel Barnier, with his fate in the hands of the socialists and the extreme right, in a national assembly in which he has no majority. “No country can live without budgets and France even less. For the first time in almost 70 years, Our country has no budget in February. The image of France, a great democracy, an EU pillar, will be affected, “said Prime Minister in the National Assembly.

In addition, he added that “public action will also be resentful” because “hiring and investments are stopped”, while indicating that the budget will reduce the public deficit by 5.4 %, in a scenario of an improvement of 0 , 9 % of GDP and an inflation of 1.4 %. Bayrou said that “No budget is perfect” But he said that “it has negotiated with all the groups and a balanced budget has been reached,” which requested that it be approved “as a sign of responsibility and stability for citizens.”

The accounts will be approved unless the motion of censure that will immediately present the left progress. The Directorate of the Socialist Party decided not to support the motion of censure, but some of its 66 deputies made known that they will break the discipline of vote, which makes the result uncertain. The extreme right, on the other hand, said they will announce their decision on Wednesday, after Marine Le Pen brings together their deputies shortly before the examination of the motion of censure. Its 140 parliamentarians can be key If the number of defections of the Socialists is high.

The PS’s decision definitively breaks the leftist electoral alliance that sat in the National Assembly to the largest parliamentary group, 192 deputies grouped in the so -called New Popular Front. Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s France (LFI) was the most critical with the decision of his so far partners and the parliamentary leader of that formation assured that, by not voting for the motion of censure, “They give their association with the Bayrou government.” Its 71 deputies, together with the 38 environmentalists and the 17 communists are now in a more weakened position in order to make the Executive fall, in a National Assembly that now has 576 members.

The criticisms of those who until now were their partners have been hard and have thrown by land the alleged concessions that the socialists claim to have started the Executive, in the field of health, education, ecology and purchasing power. “By spirit of responsibility and in the interest of the French and French we will not vote the motion of censure at a time when France needs budgets,” said the PS address.

Source: Lasexta

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