COVID-19: Italy extreme restrictions on the unvaccinated with the reinforced certificate

As of Monday, Italy has two types of health certificates.

The unvaccinated in Italy have it from today more difficult. The Government tries to contain the coronavirus at Christmas with a reinforced health certificate that will only allow the immunized or cured to enjoy leisure and restoration.

The measure will remain in force throughout the country, regardless of the contagion data for each region, until next January 15 to curb the upward trend of the coronavirus in recent weeks.

Two passports for one country

As of this Monday, Italy has two types of health certificates: the normal “Green Pass”, which is granted to vaccinated, cured or those who have a negative test, and the “Super Green Pass”, only in the hands of the first two categories.

The first is essential to use public transport, including the railroad, to enter the workplace, to sit at the table in the dining rooms at work or in hotel restaurants, or to attend parties and ceremonies such as weddings or baptisms.

But the “twist” is established by the second version, the “reinforced” version, which in practice excludes the unvaccinated from cinemas, theaters, sporting events, parties, discos or consuming inside bars or restaurants.

An imposition that affects some six million Italians who have not wanted or been able to get vaccinated, compared to the 45.7 million over twelve who have, 84.76% of the population.

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More controls (and fines)

The objective is to besiege a virus that at this point reaches some 15,000 daily infections and that, without measures like this, would jeopardize commerce and the Christmas holidays and the always-predicted recovery, maximum vigilance of the prime minister, Mario Draghi.

For this reason, although Italy has lived with this pass for months, controls have now been intensified.

This Monday, attention was focused on public transport, used every day by millions of people, tourists and workers, to whom police officers and municipal workers asked for the “Green Pass” at the exit of the metro or urban bus, under penalty of a fine. economical.

“If it helps to overcome the virus then that is fine, although I think it is an exaggeration that they ask for it at the exit of the subway and in restaurants,” the young Brenda told EFE, as she left the subway in the Roman neighborhood of San Giovanni.

For Elena, this imposition is “very appropriate.” She, in fact, has just arrived in the capital of the Alpine region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, the one that worries the most and the only one, with the province of Bolzano, in “yellow level” or slight risk.

For his part, Paolo is upset by the fact that they ask for the certificate at the exit of the metro and not at the entrance: “It doesn’t make sense,” he regrets.

To this we must add that already this weekend in cities like Rome Civil Protection workers were in charge of pedestrians wearing the mask in the open air, while they walked through the center, illuminated by the Christmas holidays.

The “reinforced” version of the anticovid certificate will not expire on January 15 in the regions that are classified as “yellow” and “orange”, second and third risk levels on a four-color scale culminating in red, the confinement.

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On the other hand, as was done with the doctors, from December 15, the administrative personnel of Health and Education will be forced to vaccinate, as well as teachers, soldiers, forces of order and operations of the Relief Services.

The school transport debate

In all this bureaucratic network, of basic or reinforced certificates that are requested in certain sectors or activities, there are still “knots” to untangle. For example: Will it be mandatory for children using school transportation?

In a government vademecum it reads that it will not be for students under 12 years of age, but the situation of those over that age is not specified.

This despite the fact that the Drug Agency has just approved the injection of the drug from Pfizer since the Confederation of Regions have requested a 15-day moratorium, since two weeks pass between the first dose and obtaining the certificate. (I)

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