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Make fertilizer from one ingredient.  The geraniums will “pop” out of the pot.  It’s not a banana or nettle

Make fertilizer from one ingredient. The geraniums will “pop” out of the pot. It’s not a banana or nettle

Do you want your geraniums to impress with their appearance? Do one thing and you will soon see that they put out new flowers and look great. Regularity is enough to make everyone envy you for the most beautiful geraniums in the area.

are beautiful flowers that fantastically decorate balconies, terraces and gardens. They are not difficult to cultivate. It is enough to provide them with the right conditions for growth, and they will always look good. However, if you want the most beautiful geraniums around, do one thing. They will quickly “pop” out of the pots and delight everyone who looks at them.

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Not just banana peel fertilizer. Harvest and pour water, and geraniums will bloom like never before

Using home ways to beautify plants, we often decide to prepare natural fertilizers. They not only perfectly strengthen the flowers, encouraging them to grow, but also often cost nothing. However, instead of reaching for popular solutions such as coffee grounds or banana peels, use a different ingredient. Of course, we are talking about life. It is a plant that many people grow in their gardens and have easy access to. You will also find it in wet meadows, near rivers, swamps and peat bogs. It is enough to collect only a kilogram to prepare an excellent fertilizer for geraniums.

How to make comfrey slurry to feed geraniums? Pour a kilogram of the plant with 10 liters of water, and cover the bucket with gauze so that insects do not get into it. Leave the mixture for two weeks, stirring it from time to time so that the herb is evenly distributed. After this time, it is enough to dilute the fertilizer with water in the proportion of 1:10 and water your favorite plants. After such fertilizer, geraniums will grow fantastically. Use it once every two weeks.

Comfrey manure as a fertilizer for surfinia, geraniums and other flowers. How else can you use it?

Comfrey manure will work primarily as a fertilizer, especially for geraniums, but it can be used to feed other flowers. That’s because it’s in potassium. However, it is worth knowing that it will also be an excellent protection against aphids. If your crops are infested with them, mix liquid manure with water in a ratio of 1:5 and spray. Repeat until you get satisfactory results.

Source: Gazeta

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