We have given a name, face and voice to the man that France exalts today as ‘backpack hero’ for his performance during the stabbing in the park on the shores of Lake Annecyin which four people were injured, including four children. Is called Henryis 24 years old and is a philosopher and graduate in International Administration.

He came to the picturesque town of Haute Savoie because passionate about religious heritagethis on tour of the cathedrals French. A nine-month journey that began at the end of March in Le Barroux in the Vaucluse and that he has been portraying on TikTok and Instagram. Before arriving in Annecy, she had made a stopover in Grenoble (Isère).

When he ran into the brutal attack on his way, he did not hesitate to use his backpack and “the one that was on hand”, as he explains,as a deterrent weapon. The young man engaged in ‘backpacks’ with the aggressor, throwing it from a distance to knock him down or, at least, away from the swings.

Henri told French television this Friday that he went in search of the attacker because adrenaline and a sense of civic duty seized him. “I acted on instinct, I did what any French would do in such a situation; seeing that the guy went directly, deliberately, for the children “, he has recounted.

The images of the attack -he says- do not leave his head: “It made me unbearable, unbearable, see them attacked, like that helpless“Although he admits having feared for his life, Henri gave him the courage he preaches on his social networks and, together with a brave babysitter and the first two gendarmes to arrive, they prevented an even worse tragedy. The president of France, Emmanuel Macron, is going to see them to give them credit.