It’s like returning an order made by mistake to your favorite online store: you go to a mailbox, usually in an alley or sidewalk with little traffic, open it, leave the creature inside, pick up some papers… and already. That easy’. From the creators of “abortion prohibited, yes to life!”… the mailboxes arrive to leave the babies that the authorities force them to have.

“He closes the door and leaves. Safely and without being judged. Anonymity assured,” say the promoters of the NGO ‘Safe Haven Baby Boxes’, which since 2016 has put 141 of these mailboxes in nine states. “The air inside is regulated, and there are sensors, to make sure that the baby is fine,” they explain. Immediately, silent alarms notify the health services that collect the neonates and do a check-up.

This is what more and more mothers are having to resort to (especially them) in the United States, due to the retrograde rush that in less than a year, after a controversial Supreme Court decision, has outlawed (or severely restricted) abortion in 14 of 51 states. And adding. Even in places like Florida they intend to put this alternative to abortion into law.

“What we want is for those babies that end up in landfills and rubbish bins to have a safe place to land,” says NGO founder Monica Kelsey. So raw: It’s even part of American popular culture. he snap (unfunny) that “nine months after prom, trash cans, fire stations, and churches are overflowing with unwanted babies.”

But neither the firefighters, the traditional depositaries of these gifts (90% of these collected are on your premises), they see it clearly: “it creates another level of stress (for mothers and children), there is no contact, the child may be sick, could be abused or trafficked…” a head of unit explains to laSexta.

The NGOs that manage these controversial mailboxes ensure that, in desperate situations, in the absence of alternatives, save lives: the children are protected and immediately the health workers arrive and they pass into the custody of social services or adoption agencies. Precisely many of them are private in the US, and a whole business.

But it is that, in addition, now they want to limit even this initiative: that the delivery cannot be anonymous or that there is a period of mandatory “re-education”. Consequences of the reactionary tide that drowns the United States.