They present themselves as “the ABC’s of special military operation“, the name by which Russia refers to the war in Ukraine. These video tutorials from Cartoon they give advice on what Russian soldiers should do to survive in the war.

In one of them they narrate the steps to follow to appropriately attack a buildingeither. Attack for which they assure “they should not save on grenades“.

In a humorous tone, they give instructions as basic as not removing the safety of a grenade with your teeth. Tips illustrating with american superheroesassuring that “if you are not ‘Deadpool’ don’t hide behind a car, only the engine part can protect you.” Or how they should deal with the body to body or make sure before touching anything because it may be mined, are other warnings that Russian soldiers must take into account. It is also important to take into account in a war is that they know how to dig trenches.

A material whose purpose and recipient are unknown, which includes more adult-oriented content such as the Kamasutra. They are narrated in second person by Ivan Okhlobystina multifaceted man and faithful to putin. From the Ukraine, Zelensky’s adviser, Anton Gerashchenkodenounces that “Russia is using these drawings to teach children basic concepts of war and how do not die”.