After some time, I dare to say that the Ecuadorian education process due to the pandemic was not a forced pause, but that it became an abrupt interruption of the education system that was suffering. Are we going to change it radically?

Here is my reflection. I start by giving an example to draw. Mothers, wise and instinctive educators, could not, because they know it would be a big mistake, teach the same thing and in the same way, under the same circumstances, to all their children equally. They are the first to check, without any doubt, the diversity, the different nature of the communication channels of every child and youth they care for. But faced with something so basic, the state imposes the curricular framework of schools and colleges, not allowing the processes of experience to learn to live better. There’s the key. Well, it is also known that the highly enlightened do not carry with them the guarantee that they know how to build developing communities in peace and justice, if they do not experience wisdom.

The school year on the coast and in the Galapagos begins with changes: find out what adjustments apply this 2023.

I remember that Catholic schools were forbidden to celebrate Mass during the course hours. So, how could one go through the experience of the space of silence or sharing that the gospels always carry with them. Or that you might learn the experience of giving peace or hope in praise.

The teaching of ethics was forbidden in non-Catholic schools. This topic does not exist, nor has it existed in recent years! For the past 15 years, no one has told graduates about the urgent need to respect the basic principles of ethics in communication, in their actions, in their decisions and in the way of expressing their preferences and dissatisfactions.

The threat of dropping out of school

Did they teach them to think? How many hours of philosophy did they study?

We don’t have children or young people who have been able to develop solutions to problems that could have arisen in their classroom.with their own teachers and among class teachers. No, no one taught them to see their capacity for dialogue through the truth, through the projection of their behavior towards a non-violent culture.

Did they teach them to think? How many hours of philosophy did they study? If I’m not mistaken, a few in high school, where young people with no idea how to think for themselves just want to leave school to seek success. No one knows why one would use Logic and Dynamics of the History of Philosophical Thought, at least to understand why there are still unanswered questions.

Despite this, we have 3% of excellence and an average of 10.3% of schooling, realizing that it is necessary to exhaust the 12-year study process. We also have educational facilities infected with drugs, because their consumers and sellers are inside, without any security and with a significant percentage of sexual abuse of boys and girls.

Finally, we have a cry that says: show me then, Ecuador, a well-told history of politics, I want to know how the minds of leaders work and what their philosophy is, I want to experience the eternal presence of my gods, the nobility of secularism and public ethics that make me a better person. Don’t impose any more mesh on me, give me sovereign Ecuador, let the rest be the fruit of freedom and fruitful knowledge. (OR)