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What is hikikomori and why is Korea willing to ‘pay’ young people?

What is hikikomori and why is Korea willing to ‘pay’ young people?

The government of South Korea announced that it is willing to give substantial financial support to children and young people in order to fight against hikikomori. But, what is it about?

The government is reportedly aiming to register potential beneficiaries, who will receive 650,000 won (about 490 dollars) per month for general expenses.

The Government hopes that the initiative will help lonely young people to recover their daily lives and reintegrate into society, as was the case before the digital age and the pandemic that changed the life of the new generation.

What is hikikomori?

According to the official report, it is called the social phenomenon in which the individual secludes himself at home and avoids all contact and commitment including education, employment and friendship and love relationships.

International portals reported that this term –hikikomori- was first identified in Japan in the 1990s and refers to a situation in which a person (usually an adolescent or young adult), voluntarily isolates himself socially.

The government ofand south korea reports that 350,000 citizens, between the ages of 19 and 39, consider themselves lonely or isolated. 40% of that group began isolating during adolescence.

In addition, in recent weeks, the president Yoon Suk Yeol warned that the birth rate and the subsequent decline in productivity were a “crucial national agenda” and called for an emergency mindset on the issue.

In Japan, according to CNN, hikikomori from Japan, are people who have been in isolation for at least six months. “Some only go out to buy groceries or for occasional activities, while others don’t even leave their rooms.”

“Experts previously told CNN that it is often believed that the hikikomori it comes from psychological problems such as depression and anxiety, but social factors also play a role, such as Japan’s patriarchal norms and demanding work culture,” the article states.


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Source: Gestion

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