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Chicken price reaches S/14 per kilogram in markets of Metropolitan Lima

Chicken price reaches S/14 per kilogram in markets of Metropolitan Lima

Wholesale prices have also risen by around S/1.30 per kilogram in the last month.

He chicken price It reaches up to S/14 per kilogram in some markets in the capital, a higher cost than that registered in previous weeks, according to data that La República was able to collect in various supply centers.

In the La Libertad market, in the San Luis district, the meat of this bird ranges between S/11 and S/12 per kg. This value is up to S/2 higher than what was reported in the previous weeks, the merchants maintain. “People now only go for trifles, they no longer carry a chicken like before. Now a whole chicken is S/38 and it is not enough for the people,” said Yolanda Marcelo, a vendor at stall 88 of the aforementioned supply center.

For its part, in the Asociación Zarumilla Caquetá market, the bird is also offered between S/11 and S/12. However, the cost of the breast part reaches S/14 and leg, S/ 13. “Before I sold 300 kg, which is 150 chickens, now I only sell 100 chickens,” said a trader.

The same happens in La Aurora, where the kilogram of chicken is also between S/11 and S/13.

Wholesale price variation

The wholesale price of the bird has increased by more than S/1 per kilogram during the last month. Thus, it went from S/6.92 on February 1 to S/8.22 on March 2, according to the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation.

According to data from Midagri, in recent weeks there has also been a reduction of almost 1,000 tons since February. In this way, the sales volume was reduced from S/1,841 in the report on the 2nd of that month to S/1,729 this Thursday.

Source: Larepublica

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