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US adults will spend more time watching online video than TV by 2023

US adults will spend more time watching online video than TV by 2023

For the first time, in 2023 adults Americans will spend more time watching video on the internet than on what is known as traditional television, thanks in part to platforms like Youtube, Netflix and TikTokaccording to a study published this Wednesday by Insider Intelligence.

“People are spending more and more time watching video on their big and small screens, whether it’s a movie on a (internet)-connected TV or a video streamed massively on apps,” says Paul Verna, an analyst at the US firm.

According to the study authors, American adults will spend an average of 3 hours and 11 minutes per day watching videos on the Internet this year, while the time they spend watching television (cable, satellite, DVD, etc.) will be less than 3 hours.

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And these data only reflect the habits of adults. The trend is that in the future it will be accentuated due to the taste that adolescents have for videos on the Internet. Streaming platforms, which increasingly broadcast more sports competitions, are the main responsible for this transition.

YouTube (Google) and Netflix lead this change, with 33 minutes a day on average in each one. they follow hulu (24 minutes), Amazon (11 minutes) and Disney+ (8 minutes).

The application TikTokthe use of which has skyrocketed during the pandemic not only among teenagers, is eating up a good part of the market share of television, streaming services and other social networks.

“If only adult social media users and YouTube are taken into account, TikTok has already surpassed all of them in terms of time spent on each platform”says the study.

“The battle between TikTok and Netflix is ​​going to be important”, said Jasmine Enberg, an analyst at Insider Intelligence.

“The line between social and entertainment is blurring,” explained.

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“TikTok’s efforts to incentivize creators to upload longer videos, live streams, and music are keeping users on the platform longer. The growth of time spent on Netflix, meanwhile, is stalling.”

For Enberg, Elon Musk, owner of Twitterdoes well to encourage the publication of videos on the bird network, especially from youtubers.

But your efforts will beuseless”, “if you cannot prevent the decrease in the number of users”, said.

Source: AFP

Source: Gestion

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