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Errors that shorten the life of your cell phone

These errors reduce the useful life of mobile devices.

Cell phones are part of every person’s daily life, currently the number of connected mobile devices in the country is 13.82 million, which constitutes 77.8% of the population, according to statistical data revealed by Branch . However, cell phones, like any other electronic device, have a number of years in which they work properly, and there are some errors that can reduce their useful life.

Errors that reduce the life of your cell phone

Charge the cell phone too little or charge it too much

It is advisable to charge the equipment when it is between 25% and 10% remaining at most, it is preferable to do it before, of course. Otherwise, you could quickly deplete battery life. On the other hand, there are those who leave the cell phone charging more than necessary. that causes the battery has less lifespan.

Use unofficial chargers

The difference of voltages and quality of these chargers can ruin the battery.

Expose it to high temperatures

Batteries cannot withstand much heat and must be prevented from overheating.

Expose it to low temperatures

Yes, also low temperatures cause the battery to lose life time. We are talking about very cold weather that makes the battery have to use more energy to stay warm and be able to function properly.

Turn off auto brightness

Using full screen brightness outdoors will also take a toll on the life of your screen. That is why it is always good to leave the automatic brightness mode activated.

never clean

Many times we let our equipment spend months being dirty. Y dirt and dust that accumulates in the inputs can affect their operation.

drop it

Yes, it is the most common of all, but it is true that this can greatly damage the equipment in almost every way. (I)

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