Mobjate with a new service. You will attach a bank card to the application. “Milestone”

Mobjatek with new functionality. – In addition to BLIK, the episode is enriched by the possibility of paying with credit cards. This new functionality (…) allows you to pay for fasteners or real estate tax. This is a milestone, because these possibilities in Europe are a dream, and in Poland it becomes reality – said the minister of digitization Krzysztof Gawkowski.

Epilation was test to the mobititer in August 2023. For now, only residents of selected municipalities can pay taxes. At the beginning of the year there were just over 20 of them, currently this number increased to over 50 local governments. Over the past year, only BLIK could be made, but from Wednesday, August 21, the card payment option was introduced.

As Krzysztof Gawkowski said at the conference on Wednesday, the epletation in the mobile is for now a pilot program.

I believe that in 2025 in every Polish commune, this functionality regarding episodes in the mobile (…) will be possible

– said the head of the digitization ministry.

Epilate in the mobile. From now on, they can be implemented with a bank card

At the conference, a way of eplage with a mobile card is presented at the slides. This one does not differ from other applications – the card data entered and we accept the payment. The possibility of saving data has also been introduced, which allows easier cyclical fees.

The Ministry of Digitization plans to further develop episodes. There are plans:

  • expanding the catalog of fees and taxes;
  • introduction of fees initiated by a citizen, e.g. stamp duty;
  • introduction of fees in new mobile services;
  • Adding further payment methods, including Apple Pay and Google Pay.

Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego is the settlement agent in the Epłatości. The institution is responsible for secure and timely payments. As Mirosław Czekaj said, the president of BGK, 55,000 transactions carried out by this road from the beginning of the pilot. He added that Warsaw with a million taxpayers is preparing to join the program. Mobjaters are also prepared for micro -ness, such as stamp duty.

Epilate in a mobile without commission for citizens and local governments

The Polish Cashless Foundation helps the project. Epilate in the mobitel have been included in the nationwide Polish non -cash program, which ensures coverage of costs related to handling card payments. Thanks to this, there are no commissions for local fees for both citizens and local governments joining the project.

As the first episode, the Złotoryja commune tested the banking card in the mobile. The premiere payment was made by the mayor of the commune at the beginning of August. – This is to be an inspiration that cities with a small budget can use great modern solutions – said Ewa Szczecińska -Bedryj from the Commune Office.

Source: Gazeta

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