Unusual rainfall and a harsh winter wreaked havoc on the residents of Chilithat are now facing respiratory diseases by various viruses. Similarly, the demand for health services has increased, especially for children who require highly specialized care.

Children are most affected by respiratory viruses.

The outbreak of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) It mainly affects babies from birth to one year. Faced with this situation, the Chilean government requested external humanitarian aid to meet the demand for aid.

Mexico is one of the countries that coordinated the shipment of 26 health workers to meet the demand for RSV care in the country.

“Your work will clinical teams specialized in pediatric intensive careto care for patients under the age of five with serious respiratory diseases, especially infants,” said a statement from Mexico’s health ministry.

“For that mission, the institutions will cover the salaries and indirect costs. The Chilean government supports the transfer from the airport or point of entry where the Mexican medical mission enters to the place where the deployment will take place. Accommodation and food will be paid for by that country’s Ministry of Health,” the document concluded.