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Titan imploded.  The passengers of the submersible did not even have a chance to react.  They died painlessly

Titan imploded. The passengers of the submersible did not even have a chance to react. They died painlessly

The Titan probably imploded when contact with the passengers was lost. They didn’t even have a chance to react, because the sinking of the boat lasts fractions of milliseconds. So far, several parts of the bathyscaphe have been found, more will be sought to explain what led to the disaster.

It was supposed to be a tourist expedition to the bottom of the ocean where the wreck rests. Five passengers, including the captain, were to descend to a depth of 4 km for 10 hours and return. They set off on Sunday, June 18, but after an hour and 45 minutes, contact with them broke off. After several days of search and rescue, on Thursday, June 22, the wreckage of the OceanGate submarine, which organized this extreme trip, was found near the Titanic.

The titan bathyscaphe imploded, the passengers had no chance

Parts of the bathyscaphe found in several rubble dumps indicate that an implosion occurred. The US Navy recorded an acoustic anomaly consistent with an implosion just after communication with the crew was lost. However, it was decided that this was not sufficient evidence and the rescue operation was continued. The sonar buoys did not detect any similar sounds for the next 72 hours. However, the registered acoustic anomaly made it possible to narrow down the search area.

If such a hull loses even a little airtightness, the pressure inside will equalize with that outside. At these pressures, at a depth of 1,500 meters, there’s not the slightest chance of getting back safely

– from OSPP Harpun, Lieutenant Commander Robert Polewski.

So there was an implosion, i.e. the boat collapsed inside, because the pressure several kilometers under water is several hundred times greater than just below its surface. Such implosions happen “incredibly fast”, lasting fractions of a millisecond, a former naval officer and professor at Florida International University.

The whole thing collapsed before those inside even realized they had a problem. After all, of all the ways to leave this world, this one was at least painless

– said the expert. She added that the recovery of the Titan passengers’ bodies is unlikely.

The US Coast Guard is to continue searching and extracting everything possible. However, it was stipulated that “down there, at the bottom of the sea, the conditions were extremely unfavorable.” Authorities will also continue to gather information to understand what led to the implosion. So far, five Titanic fragments have been located within less than 500 meters from the wreck of the Titanic, including nose cone and two parts of the pressure hull. Finding more parts, however, will take time, because Titan’s remains may have been carried far away by ocean currents.

False hope for saving the crew was given by the sounds of impacts emitted every 30 minutes during the search. The passengers had probably died on Sunday, so the sounds had to come from another source. A senior U.S. Navy official told CNN that the sounds must have been made by some sea creature or other vehicle involved in the search.

Who sailed the lost submarine Titan?

There were a total of five people on board the boat. One of them was Shahzada Dawood, a 48-year-old businessman and one of the richest Pakistanis. His 19-year-old son was also on board.

The next passenger was Hamish Harding, a 58-year-old billionaire from Great Britain, the general manager of Action Aviation in Dubai. His company made the announcement on social media.

Other crew members were: Paul-Henri Nargeolet, a French explorer and expert on the Titanic wreck, and Stockton Rush from OceanGate Expeditions – the company that is responsible for the expedition.

Source: Gazeta

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