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It costs PLN 10 and works great with millet.  Soak a cotton pad with it and apply it for 5 minutes

It costs PLN 10 and works great with millet. Soak a cotton pad with it and apply it for 5 minutes

What are millet? Should I be worried about them? Although these small skin changes are not dangerous to health, they are an aesthetic problem and many of us would like to get rid of them. We suggest effective home methods to fight milia.

Milia are sometimes mistaken for atheromas or pimples, but getting rid of them is not that easy. How to fight them? Is it necessary to visit a dermatologist in the case of milia?

Pimples on the face. How do they differ from atheromas?

Milia are hard lumps that appear on the face, often around the eyes. Milia cannot be squeezed out like pimples and are often confused with atheromas. How to distinguish both changes? Well, milia are much smaller and resemble warts in shape. They often occur in groups, unlike atheromas, which appear singly and look like pus-filled pimples. Milia are the result of the accumulation of sebum under the skin, so if our skin is prone to their occurrence, it is worth taking care of regular removal of sebum.

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How to get rid of pimples on the face? Try home remedies

In the care prone to milia, it is important not only to remove excess sebum, but also to use appropriate cosmetics. We should not use greasy and heavy creams. However, it is worth thoroughly removing makeup at night and regularly washing your face with delicate and light cosmetics. In the fight against milia, tea tree oil is also useful, which is enough to apply to a cotton pad and then apply to skin lesions for 5 minutes. Another way is to use fenugreek leaves, which should be grated finely and a little water added to make a paste. Apply it and leave it for about 15 to 20 minutes. Toothpaste can also help eliminate milia. Just rub it on the changes and leave it for 30 minutes. Remember that if we are dealing with a larger number of milia, it is worth going to a specialist with the problem.

Source: Gazeta

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