They try to discredit Greta Thunberg with a fake video: they put her face on the body of a naked woman

A short video widely disseminated by WhatsApp shows some images of a naked woman with the face of activist Greta Thunberg gesturing and dancing, a type of very realistic digital montage called “deepfake”, made from a pornographic recording, as verified by EFE Verifica.

The aforementioned video, from 16 seconds, is circulating in Brazil, from where it was sent by WhatsApp to EFE. An alert from this mobile instant messaging service warns that the content has been “forwarded many times.” It is usually spread with another message, also forwarded virally, with two images of that video and a text in English.

It states: “Activist Greta Thunberg proves a new tactic in their crusade to raise awareness about the threat of global warming, showing her completely naked body in the video below. ”

The video that shows a naked woman with Greta Thunberg’s face is a “deepfake”, a montage that uses the artificial intelligence with great likelihood, from a pornographic recording published on a specialized website by an anonymous user who provides some information that helps to discover the deception.

A reverse search of the frame in Google shows a page of pornographic “deepfakes”.

Dozens of manipulated videos of the naked young woman were uploaded simultaneously a month ago, right in the prelude to the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, where Thunberg denounced the “hypocrisy” of governments and companies in the fight against the climate emergency. There is no sample of the frames in the finder before that date.

One of the first videos published is the one that has gone viral. And, in the description, the anonymous user who has uploaded it gives several clues: the name of the original porn actress and the application with which she created the “deepfake”.

The “deepfakes” are created with programs based on algorithms that modify both the voice and the image of a person simulating their gestures and, by repeating many photographs and videos from different angles, they allow images and voices of personalities to be superimposed.

The author asks for a cryptocurrency donation for his work, which involved “a lot of correction and post-production work.”

With these data, it is easy to locate the original videos of the “webcamer” whose face was replaced, as can be identified by the background, where the kitchen itself is seen, and also by the body and its gestures.

The cybersecurity expert Juan David Cardona confirms to EFE that it is a “deepfake”.

Despite the great realism of the video, “it is very evident that the color of her face is different from her body color“and” when you move your hands, there are some delays in the frames that show that there is something superimposed“, Explain.