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Experts call for an urgent discussion on the development of artificial intelligence.  They see a big threat

Experts call for an urgent discussion on the development of artificial intelligence. They see a big threat

Experts dealing with artificial intelligence warn against its dynamic development. Threats related to AI compare e.g. to the pandemic. Among the signatories were the heads of OpenAI and Google DeepMind.

Politicians, experts from around the world and ordinary Internet users are increasingly discussing the threats that artificial intelligence can bring. The extremely dynamic development of generative AI that has taken place in recent months has come as a surprise to many, and the capabilities of tools such as ChatGPT have exceeded the expectations of even their creators.

AI experts warn of threats

Now experts dealing with the subject of artificial intelligence have spoken again about the threats that its development may pose. In a new statement posted on the Center for AI Safety (CAIS) website, AI has been compared to a pandemic and nuclear war. “Reducing the risk of extinction due to AI should be a global priority on par with other societal threats such as pandemics and nuclear war,” it said.

CAIS points out that the discussion on the threats of artificial intelligence is getting wider and wider, touching an ever-wider spectrum of urgent topics related to AI. Despite this, publicly “voicing concerns about some of the most serious threats” can be difficult, we read. The statement aims to “bypass these hurdles” and “open the discussion”. The authors indicate that they want to create a “common knowledge base” of industry experts and public figures who share such concerns. The statement was signed by many key people associated with the development of AI, including Sam Altman, head of OpenAI, Demis Hassabis, head of Google DeepMind, Dario Amodei from Anthropic, numerous professors and founders of technology companies.

Elon Musk did not sign the statement on AI. He changed his mind?

The list did not include Elon Musk, who has repeatedly spoken about the threats of uncontrolled development of AI in recent years. In March, however, the billionaire signed a statement published in this matter. Experts stated in it that the rapid and uncontrolled development of AI may eventually get out of control and urged a break in the development of more advanced generative AI models. At the same time, there are suspicions that Musk himself plans to increase Twitter’s AI potential. We wrote about the case.

Source: Gazeta

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