CONECHNY receives hospital discharge

CONECHNY receives hospital discharge

Euskaraz Iraqurri: Conechnyk Alta Jaso Du, Bartzelonan 24 Ordu Baino Gehiago Ospitaleratuta Egon Ostean

Alavés player Tomás Conechny received on Monday, February 3 After staying Added for more than 24 hours at the hospitaldue to a Craneoecephalic trauma that caused a Fissure in the front bone of the head during the Meeting against Barcelona.

The Argentine He underwent a cranial and cervical tac behind him Strong blow received in the head during the dispute of a ball with the Blaugrana Gavi In the 8th minute.

Conechny arrived aware of the Barcelona hospital to which he was transferred as marked by the LaLiga protocol. The match was arrested for six minutes until the albiazul left on a stretcher.

The footballer of Comodoro Rivadavia (southern Argentina), 26, The recovery treatment of your injury will begin in the next few daysthe Vitorian club reported.

Source: Eitb

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