The players called on Monday by the Spanish national team confirm their desire not to be called up

The players called on Monday by the Spanish national team confirm their desire not to be called up

The players called on Monday by the Spanish national team confirm their desire not to be called up

Euskaraz irakurri: Espainiako selekzioak deitutako jokalariek berretsi egin dute ez dutela nahi deialdian izatea

The players who are part of the list released this Monday afternoon by the new Spanish soccer coach, Montse Tométhey have ratified their “firm will” not to be called up by the Spanish team, as indicated in a statement that they made public late last night. The footballers, in that statement, have highlighted that they will study “the possible legal consequences to which the RFEF exposes us by putting us on a list to which we had asked not to be summoned“, and, furthermore, they have specified that the call has not been made “in a timely manner”, so the RFEF cannot require them to attend.

In this context, the soccer players highlight that what was expressed in a previous statement, made public on the 15th, “makes clear and without any option for another interpretation” its “firm will not to be summoned, for justified reasons” and that “these statements remain fully valid.”

The players clarify that “during the days following that statement” they want to “make it known to the public that nothing different from this has been transmitted to any member of the RFEF (Royal Spanish Football Federation)”, so they “expressly ask that the information that is transmitted publicly is rigorous”.

“We, as elite professional players and after everything that happened today, will study the possible legal consequences to which the RFEF exposes us by putting us on a list from which we had asked not to be called for reasons already explained publicly and with more detail to the RFEF, and, with this, make the best decision for our future and for our health,” they add.

Likewise, they consider that the call “has not been made in a timely manner, in accordance with art. 3.2 of Annex I of the Regulations on the Status and Transfer of FIFA Players”, so They understand that the RFEF “is not in a position” to demand that they “go to it.”

“We regret once again that our Federation places us in a situation that we would never have desired,” they conclude in their note.

Source: Eitb

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