Of the 32 states of Mexicoin only 10 voluntary interruption of pregnancy was decriminalized, but this Wednesday Mexico’s Supreme Court has decided to remove the crime of abortion from the federal penal code as unconstitutionalbecause he assured that it violated women’s rights.

This decision, taken unanimously, is in response to the request for protection from the Selected Reproduction Information Group (GIRE).

“All women and people of childbearing potential will be able to access abortions in federal health facilities,” the group wrote on their social networks when the news broke.

According to GIRE, this means that every federal health care facility must provide abortion services to all women and people of childbearing potential who ask for it.

In addition, medical personnel should not be penalized for providing this service.

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Based on the Supreme Court resolution, the federal Congress must amend the regulatory framework to include the decriminalization of voluntary abortion, as termination of pregnancy due to cases of rape, malformation or maternal risk was protected by law .

Meanwhile, anti-abortion groups also spoke out about the measure and said they will continue to fight to reverse this decision.

“It is incongruous to leave people without any protection when the Court itself had already protected them,” Pilar Rebollo, president of Pasos por la Vida, told the BBC. (JO)