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Work calendar: When do the Pilar and Todos los Santos bridges fall?

The withdrawal of most of the restrictions imposed by the pandemic makes us put the focus on the next festive days. The following non-working dates in the Spanish calendar are the October 12, Pilar Day and National Holiday Day, and the November 1, which is All Saints’ Day. On both dates the schools will be closed throughout Spain and many employees will have the day off.

In the case of the Pilar festival, the October 12, this year falls on Tuesday and it’s festive, but the Monday 11 is working. Monday’s day is a lesson for children and students, but some workers will take the opportunity to make a bridge. In addition, it is expected to be the first festive day with the lowering of the restrictions that give way to the ‘new normal’.

The November 1, All Saints’ Day, this year coincides on Monday. This date is a paid holiday and not recoverable in the Spanish work calendar. So many people will be able to enjoy the bridge in the first days of November.

Last holidays of 2021

These are the last holidays of the year in October and November throughout the national territory, but the month of December has three more dates to mark on the calendar. On Monday December 6, Spanish Constitution Day; on Wednesday December 8, Immaculate Conception Day And the saturday December 25, Day of the Nativity of the Lord.

The week of December 6 will be the last bridge or aqueduct of the year, for those who can chain the two festivities by joining non-working Monday and Wednesday, with Tuesday that is. In the case of December 25, the holiday is kept on Saturday. These are the last official non-working days of 2021.

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