Everything goes fast, too fast, and we forget to breathe, digest, see… live. Running from need to need, from person to person, burdening yourself with images of your own life and the lives of others without order or agreement. Our eyes go from news of a guy’s death to an ad for shoes. Our mind in such speed that the heart lags behind while the finger jumps compulsively and impatiently down the screen: from the war in Ukraine to the next election in Ecuador in one devastating blow.

Stop the world I want to take over, I tell myself at the end of the third class of the day after hearing a student say that if she’s taking my course it’s because she’s already paid for it. Stop the world, I want to get off! When my daughter comforts me by telling me that in her school, even the best teacher, some students behave with contempt. Stop the world, I want to get off!!, when the scream of a drunken neighbor breaks through the silence of the night, insulting the taxi driver for being a foreigner and refusing to pay in euros what he has already paid, the taxi leaves covered in vomit.

A few weeks ago, the media reported on the children who were found alive in the Colombian jungle 40 days after surviving the plane crash in which they were traveling with their mother. But who will monitor the mental health of these children and the future that awaits them? And what about the domestic violence allegations against Ranoque, the stepfather of the two oldest? Does anyone dare question why Lesly not only kept her brothers alive, but made them hide from first responders? Who already has time to delve into what we could change, who if we are already rushing towards a new dose of adrenaline and controversy: Titan adventurers in their exclusive submarine from which they hoped to admire the remains of a historical tragedy but where they would end up witnessing his own tragedy in the first row .

Sometimes the world shows us its darkest corners: caves where one human being hates another just because they were born in a different place (and had the courage not to stay there), swamps where the mud of fatigue sticks to our feet and the spirit of failure whispers in our ears . Everywhere we turn we see: violence, injustice, corruption, selfishness, stupidity. Stop that world we want to get off!

And if we go down? And if we refuse to continue living like this? And if instead of obsessing about what and what more and more and more and more and more and more and more the unstoppable virtual streams inflate us, we stop to read, think, think why? And if instead of pointing the finger at every selfish, racist, mean, incompetent, ungrateful person, we each decide in the silence of our conscience to start a fight against that selfish, racist, mean, incompetent, and ungrateful person who lives inside of us? What if we stopped dancing to the terrible rhythm of the world created by money and power and sat down in the sunlight to breathe, be and grow? What if we separate ourselves from the vertigo of words and things and connect with the mystery of silence and souls? (OR)