What we are living in this seemingly transitional period, after the dissolution of the National Assembly, which began with an auspicious and hopeful phase of economic growth to be generated by decree-laws of economic urgency, political peace and more security, has really turned out to be a disappointing approach to chaos. . Different social segments do not find a point of consensus. Some seem not to notice the danger of their actions and initiatives; others show the evil and conscious determination of the dark end.

On the other hand, institutions do not work or move articulately in a direction contrary to common sense. National and international criminal organizations take advantage of this. Even the weather approaches and predicts disaster.

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To a large extent, the trouble is unstoppable because of the structural problems of the Constitution that Rafael Correa’s Civil Revolution bequeathed to us. Collective amnesia also plays a role, fortunately there are publications that remind us of what came before, such as The ill-fat revolution. Inside Correato, journalists Mónica Almeida and Ana Karina López. The author of the second is the judge of the Constitutional Court, Richard Ortiz: “The revolutionary project contained a strategy of power concentration based on plebiscite legitimacy, constitutional reform and co-optation of the entire state apparatus, including the judiciary and control bodies.”

News about the Constitutional Court of Ecuador

The aforementioned constitutional judge stated: “…the powerful Constitutional Court played an unclear role in the consolidation of the revolutionary regime. The control of the constitutionality of the law followed the agenda of the executive power, did not fulfill its role of implementing the appropriate control of emergency situations and used the justification of the constitutional reforms from 2011 and 2015 outside the constitutional text…”. He meant the sad “Beer Court”.

(…) institutions are not working or are moving together in a direction contrary to common sense.

The magistrate had no idea that he would reach that Court, nor that he would have enormous power, when he declared in 2018: “From the point of view of Montecristi’s constitutional model, the Court was the ultimate guarantor of rights and supremacy. of the Constitution, and had important political powers in resolving conflicts of jurisdiction between the powers of the state (…), in the political trial of the president (…), in the dismissal of the head of state by the national assembly (…) and in the dissolution of the legislative (… .). Political history of the period 2007-2017. it showed that the Constituent Assembly made a mistake by entrusting so many powers to constitutional judges, since the Constitutional Court, instead of stopping the regime’s authoritarian onslaught, became an effective instrument in the service of the government. .

Do you still think so? Does the current Constitutional Court serve some power…itself? Was there interference in the recent decisions…on the advisory that could ban oil extraction in Yasuní and reduce the country’s revenues…in the decree-laws of urgent economic necessity? In the opinion that allowed the impeachment of President Lasso? (OR)