There are two ways of speaking and writing: one, strict, precise, adapted to the discipline of language; the second, scattered, anodyne, full of adjectives, full of inaccuracies and rich in jumps. In literature, he contrasts the great novel, the one that evokes, the one that creates and invokes, and the soap opera, sharp,

one that flatters the reader, one that builds episodes around a raw feeling. In scientific texts there is also an austere, objective language, precise as a formula, cold as a theorem, sharp and persuasive; and there is another, mediated by rumination, enthusiastic about assumptions, a liar and ambiguous. These are the two extreme faces of the tongue.

Even in ordinary speech, he contrasts severity in telling, charm in telling, spark in entertaining, respect in dissent, with inconspicuousness, nonsense, loud assertion, and appeals to the passions of the world. else. Discretion, the organization of ideas, the depth of feelings are opposed by the ability to invent nonsense, the sloppiness of presentation and the emptiness of discussion.

In politics, the contrasts are shocking. The language suffered, and continues to suffer, severe injuries in speeches and debates, in outbursts and promises. The leaders are entangled in the lack of ownership, in the lack of stature when they speak, when they disagree, when they suggest. Democracy is an empty word, and the people is an empty card.

In the drafting of laws, the issue is even more difficult, because if the language of legality moves away from conceptual precision, from the exact syllogism that each article must contain, society will face generalizations and uncertainty, and “Badly written political poetry will replace the certainty of the norm, doctrinal depth will be abolished and the interested ubiquity of casual discourse will prevail.

The respect for words and the richness of the language used every day allow us to sense the status of society.

In such circumstances, the legal system will cease to contain accurate forecasts, based on the pursuit of justice, and will be just a piece of paper, a party statement. Degraded law is the worst companion of societies.

Language perverted by cheap platitudes is the first symptom of the decadence of societies that begins with the replacement of logic with rhetoric. On the contrary, the grammatical quality of the laws, their conceptual solidity, the good execution of the sentences, the ability to morally summon the discourse are testimonies to the effective validity of culture, because somehow it begins and ends in language. , which is a spiritual tool for understanding and disagreement, for order and love.

The respect for words and the richness of the language used every day allow us to sense the status of society. Moral status is determined by speech. Culture and creative capacity are inevitably measured by words. Nations are, in a way, novels that have been written or those that have not been written; or are they soap operas and soap operas that people watch with pleasure every night. (OR)