Ecuadorian society is once again facing the threat of the “mobilization” of Conaie, who support other extremist groups of the same or more toxic ideology with all the ingredients of class hatred.

Conaie’s leadership raises this new mobilization motivated by extremely dangerous antecedents: first, the conviction they have of his destructive power over all of Ecuador; second, the absolute impunity they achieved in the last two episodes in 2019 and 2021; three, the belief that no one finally used force against them.

People who were trapped in the Comptroller’s Office building in the disastrous episode of its burning were later released with such absurd arguments as “that for cultural reasons” they did not understand what they were doing. In other words, they were “caught in the act” and ended up at large because the “cultural state” did not allow them to understand what they had done.

The top leader of the 2019 mobilization, whom this editor condemned in the Ecuadorian prosecutor’s office, ridiculed the prosecutor’s office without coming to his invitation, and in the end he claimed with unusual confidence that he should be tried in his native language, when in flagrante way, the whole country saw how, in clear Spanish, the said leader issued orders to seize and destroy the oil infrastructure, called FF. AA. and the National Police for disobedience to the then government, and kidnapped and mistreated journalists, policemen and members of the FF. AA. All the crimes witnessed by the national television itself, which broadcast all these things live.

This impunity after two vandalized protests, nothing democratic, nothing peaceful and nothing legal, encourages them to try once again to attack work, productive mobilization, peace and progress in all of Ecuador.

But these perverse legal realities are accompanied by another even more perverse ingredient: the ideological beliefs of individual leaders, for whom only complete anarchy will enable the establishment of the autochthonous Pan-American dream, which would encompass many countries in the region, becoming a large autochthonous nation with a solid Marxist regime. Everything, in the purest mariateguista style.

These beliefs are filled with hatred, a sterile passion that has never produced anything positive for society, the hatred they expressed in previous uprisings, their speech and their actions.

FF. AA. Ecuadorians have a principle not to shoot at the Ecuadorian people. If we add this additional element to all of the above, then we should hand the country over to them, because there is no way out if they decide to move towards the capital, occupy it, block the roads, destroy the country’s economy and image. Ecuador, and knowing that no one will shoot them, that no one will punish them and that they will corner us more and more, until the rest of society surrenders at their feet.

There is a huge majority of Ecuadorians who do not want this. It is simply inadmissible for this strong majority to be held hostage by this destructive minority.

This new mobilization planned for the coming days is not a fight between hatred and peace, between law and its violation, or between chaos and anarchy over order, discipline and work. No, this new mobilization confronts those who want the total destruction of Ecuador and those who want Ecuador not to disappear. (OR)