A sick leave, commonly known as L4, is a certificate issued by a doctor for an employee, which confirms his temporary inability to work due to illness or accident. In addition, it provides the right to receive remuneration or benefit. In short, one can say that this is simply a document that justifies his absence. Since December 2018, it has been issued only in electronic form and immediately sent employers, so you do not need to deliver it to the office. Not everyone knows that more changes have come into force from this year.
How much will I get a salary on L4? In the case of a minimum, we are talking about such an amount
Going to L4 for the first 33 days (14 for people over 50), the employer is paid. If the exemption lasts longer, after this time the obligation goes to the Social Insurance Institution. Usually, an employee can count on a payment of 80 percent. the amount of remuneration, and in some cases, for example during pregnancy, the full amount will be credited to his account.
Pursuant to art. 45 of the Act on cash benefits from social insurance in the event of sickness and motherhood, The basis for the sickness benefit in full -time work cannot be lower than the minimum wage after mining by 13.71 percent. Because from January 1, 2025 it increased to PLN 4,666 gross, also the minimum sickness benefit changed. According to INFOR.pl, it currently amounts to PLN 4026.29 gross (previously it was PLN 3,710.47 gross). Of course, 80 percent should be calculated from this, and the next divide by the number of days a month and multiply for the number of sick days. Then the daytime rate will come out. For example, if you earn a minimum and go to L4 for 10 days (and a month is 30), you will receive about 1073 zlotys.
How many days can you be on L4 a year? Watch out for the limit
It is also worth remembering that there is a principle of continuity in Polish law. The sum of the days spent on L4 is summed up and the limit is 182 days. If you cross it, you lose the right to sickness benefit, unless after that there is a 60-day break between dismissals. After this time, the limit is charged again. Another option is to switch to a rehabilitation benefit. It is important that in the event of dismissal for all days, including weekends, Saturdays and Sundays are also included in this amount. Of course, you can’t undertake any paid classes during L4.
Is the sick leave payable at the weekend? Watch out for this risk
According to the portal Gazetaprawna.pl, a sick leave taking into account weekends can be beneficial, but not in every situation. As we mentioned above, it should be remembered that the days off in this case are also included in the limit. If you get a lot, these several days may prove to be particularly important and will get the loss of benefit. Therefore, when you have free weekends normally, it is worth thinking about it. The situation is slightly different for shift workers. If you have to appear at the plant on Saturday and Sunday, but on Friday you “spread” you, then L4 put up for the weekend will protect you from the loss of salary.
Is it worth taking L4 for the weekend? In this case you can gain
However, the portal points out that in a situation where the inability occurred on the last days of the month falling on the weekend, taking L4 for days off may prove to be particularly beneficial. Suppose you got sick on Friday, and Saturday and Sunday are the 30th and 31st day of the month. If you take the release then, you will receive not only full salary, but also the benefit (80 %) for an additional two days. With earnings of 5000 gross per month it will be about PLN 222 more. So in some situations such a solution can be beneficial. Nevertheless, each situation is best to analyze individually to gain confidence. We invite you to participate in the poll and commenting.
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Source: Gazeta

Bruce is a talented author and journalist with a passion for entertainment . He currently works as a writer at the 247 News Agency, where he has established himself as a respected voice in the industry.