Is the elderly and older and their partners are getting younger? Scientists have revealed the latest research

Do guys more young partners? For years, it was claimed that it was so. However, a new study conducted on thousands of couples from Europe and Israel shows that preferences regarding the age of the second half of the second half are not constant and changed as the years have been. How? Let’s take a closer look at this.

Does age matter in a relationship? Although many people say that real feeling does not know the record, statistics and scientific research seem to say something different. As it turns out, the choice of a partner often depends not only on personal preferences, but also on biology and social norms. And what happens when we age ourselves? Does our approach to age difference change with another birthday? To dispel any doubts, scientists analyzed a huge collection of data and found surprising regularities.

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The international team led by Jaroslav Gottfried conducted one of the largest research of this type, analyzing the data of 35,996 pairs from 29 countries. Information from the long -term Share (Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe) study was used, which has been following changes in relationships and life choices for years. Scientists have checked whether age preferences change over the years. Do men really choose younger women or is it just a myth? It turned out that the approach to the age of the second half is evolving and depends on the sex.

Do guys prefer younger partners? Research results revealed our choices

Over the years, our preferences about the age of the partner are changing, with women and men follow different patterns. The study confirmed that gentlemen are increasingly choosing younger life companions. While at the age of 25 the difference is on average three years, it increases to ten after sixty. This trend is visible in different countries and may result from evolutionary factors, because younger women are more often seen as a better perspective for stable.

Couple with age difference (illustrative photos) Rawpixel/Istock

Women, however, are guided by other criteria. For most of their lives, their partners are peers or slightly older. Only at a later age, after seventy, some of them tend to younger men, although the differences remain small. Researchers indicated that this pattern is not due to biology, but from fixed social norms. An older man alongside his younger partner is widely accepted, while the opposite situation still arouses emotions. Will this trend reverse? More and more women go beyond the common patterns, and men are starting to appreciate relationships based on common experience, instead of being guided only by the record. And although age is only a number, the decisions we make are not completely accidental.

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Source: Gazeta

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