On the set of “four armored” he found it. It was missing, and they would not know. “I was skeptical”

W³odzimierz Press gained a huge popularity of the role of Czołgist Grigory Saakashvili in the series “Four Panzer and Dog”. Production brought him not only a word, but also love. He met his own on the set.

Włodzimierz Press was born in Lviv. Through the war he came to Siberia with his mother. When they returned to Poland, they lived in Krakow and later moved to Warsaw. Already in the times of primary school he was interested in acting and performed in amateur theaters. In 1963 he graduated from the State Higher Theater School in Warsaw.

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“Four Panzer and Dog”. He played Grigory Saakashvili for financial reasons

Press debuted on a glass screen in the film “Divorce will not” from 1963. Later he took part in the interrogation for the role of Pharaoh Ramses XIII in the film “Pharaoh”, but he failed to get involved. Then he reported to trial photos for the series “Four Tank Men and Dog”. He went there because he lacked money.

– I didn’t have much motivation here. However, I went, even though I was skeptical from the beginning. The mentality of the young Sołdat was a foreign to me, the nature of the series, as I am a type of foreign military matters. However, I wanted to earn a bit, because then they paid for test photos, and I was thinly financially – he said in an interview with Krzysztof Lubczyński. He received the role of Grigory “Grzesia” by Saakashvili, a Georgian soldier.

Włodzimierz Press receives the prize Photo. Kuba Atys / Agencja Wyborcza.pl

Włodzimierz and Renata Presses met on the set. They got married 57 years ago

On the set of “four armored” Włodzimierz met Renata, a student of the Academy of Fine Arts. She worked as a costume assistant. “I fell in love like a madman,” Press recalled in one of the interviews. In 1967 they took. They had two: son of Grzegorz and the daughter of Tania. Contrary to popular belief, the name of the Son is not related to the figure of Grigory. – Probably the only armored child born on the set. Everyone thinks that we gave him the name in honor of the characters I played, but it was really the celebration of my father Grzegorz, whom I lost as a child – said the star in “Przekrój”. In May, the actor turned 85. The last time on the big screen appeared in the film “Under the Wind” from 2022, where he played a receptionist. If you feel like it, vote in our poll, which is below.

Source: Gazeta

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