Zenek Martyniuk can count on such a pension.  The amount is impressive

Zenek Martyniuk can count on such a pension. The amount is impressive

Although many artists complain about low retirement benefits, there are also those who have already thought about their future in advance. This group includes Zenek Martyniuk, who regularly pays contributions to ZUS. The musician revealed what kind of pension he will be able to count on when the time comes.

Zenek Martyniuk has secured himself financially during his retirement. In addition to the fact that he earns about PLN 30-40,000 from each concert and is involved in various events and advertising campaigns, the musician also pays pension contributions to ZUS. Thanks to them, in the future he will be able to count on a really large benefit.

What kind of pension can Zenek Martyniuk count on? It’s really quite a lot

In an interview with “Super Express”, Zenek Martyniuk admitted that he transfers about PLN 4,000 a month to the Social Insurance Institution. “I pay a contribution of PLN 4,000 every month, but fortunately, I perform a lot for now and I have no intention of retiring. We’ll see what happens when the time comes,” Zenek Martyniuk told “Super Express”. This means that the singer will be able to count on a pension of approximately PLN 5,000 a month in the future.

Alicja Majewska is also not worried about her future. Although the singer is entitled to one of the lowest pension benefits, she is still professionally active: she gives concerts and takes part in cultural events. “I have no right to complain because I still work actively and earn a lot, I really do,” she told journalists during a press conference organized before the start of the 61st National Polish Song Festival in Opole. Maryla Rodowicz, however, suffers from a low pension. The artist can count on a benefit of PLN 1,700 per month.

Source: Gazeta

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