In situations where something starts to go wrong in our relationship – but at the same time we still have feelings for each other and want to work on ourselves – it is worth going to a psychotherapist, e.g. couples therapy. The support of a specialist will allow you to see new horizons, spot certain mistakes and behavioral patterns that you can work on to get out of the crisis. And in many cases it ends with success, so even if we notice the following behaviors in ourselves/our partner – it is always worth talking about it openly and working through it.
Sometimes, however, desires alone do not help and the relationship simply ends, despite all attempts to work on it. According to psychologists and therapists, there are several basic indications that may indicate a breakup. These signals may seem very inconspicuous and only develop over time. Therefore, we may think that something is only temporary, when in fact it simply indicates that the relationship is becoming more one-sided.
Is it time to say goodbye and go your own way? These behaviors lead to breakup
The first such signal is lack of emotional involvement from your partner. A situation in which it turns out that we are the only party who “cares” usually leads to separation. Most often, this is visible in the fact that the partner runs away from conversations, does not want to share their emotions and thoughts with us, and increasingly avoids emotional or physical closeness.
The lack of emotional involvement is also related to the second premise, which is physical moving away from each other. This is manifested by the fact that you have less and less time for each other, and when you do find it, you do not prioritize the time spent together and look for other activities. Willingness alone is not enough. A successful relationship is about spending time together.
Such behaviors can destroy a successful relationship. 9 examples
Lack of honesty. This is an important signal that things are not going well in our relationship. The lack of honesty on many levels can make your partner feel lost or insecure. Lack of honesty in turn leads to loss of mutual trust – on the one hand, the feeling of uncertainty and confusion deepens, including suspicion, low mood, irritability or sadness. This is a ready recipe for conflicts that break out out of nowhere – even when theoretically “nothing is happening.”
Another aspect that can distance us from our other half is lack of a common vision of the future. Even if we live in the moment, the relationship will not function properly in the long run if we do not have common plans for the future. And while minor arguments about whether we prefer to spend this year’s holidays in the mountains or by the sea should not be a cause for concern, more serious issues are. How do we imagine our relationship in a few years? Do we both want to have children? Where do we want to live? If we do not address these issues in advance, we may be very negatively surprised after some time.
The lack of a common vision of the future may be related to the fact that you have completely different life requirements and expectations. Over time, for example, it may turn out that our partner’s views on various matters irritate us. Or we are irritated by the lack of his/her aspirations, etc. And although of course we do not have to have the same views, if we differ in basic issues, it may be difficult to have a lasting relationship.
Are you one step away from breaking up? Several things may indicate this
Another thing: if you notice that you cry often because of what is happening in your relationship – this is also not a positive forecast. If frequent conflicts and various types of disputes often cause you sadness, the so-called quiet days, petty mischief, unpleasant undertones – this is a direct path to the breakdown of a relationship.
The next point is the titular socks. This is, of course, just an example, but in a nutshell the point is this we start to get annoyed by our other half’s behavior. We notice more and more faults and we argue about, for example, someone not washing the dishes or tidying up. We often start to notice it only when the period of falling in love passes. Then we see the other person as they are, in all their glory.
The last signal is very important because in some cases it may result in us having to seek help from a psychologist or psychotherapist. It’s about a situation in which our partner will turn out to be a toxic person. Toxic people are very good at camouflaging themselves, so at the very beginning you may not even suspect that you are in a relationship with, for example, someone who has a narcissistic personality, a manipulator, a pathological liar, or an actively addicted person whose actions have a destructive impact on your loved ones. However, if you notice that your freedom is being taken away step by step, your partner is possessive, morbidly jealous, aggressive, uses economic violence against you, abuses you, isolates you from your loved ones – then it’s high time to put yourself first and end a toxic relationship.
Where to look for help?
ATTENTION! Are you experiencing domestic violence? Are you looking for help? You can, for example, contact the free hotline, which is open 24/7 at 800 12 00 02. If there is a threat to life, call the emergency number 112.
If you are struggling with addiction or want to find out how you can help a loved one, you can contact the specialists on duty at these numbers:
- National Addiction Hotline (daily from 4-9 p.m.): 800-199-990
- Behavioral Addictions Trust Telephone (daily from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.): 800-889-880
- Orange line for parents of children drinking alcohol (Monday to Friday, 2-8 p.m.): 801-140-068
- National Emergency Service for Victims of Domestic Violence Blue Line (24 hours a day): 800-120-002
More information can be found on the websites
Source: Gazeta
Bruce is a talented author and journalist with a passion for entertainment . He currently works as a writer at the 247 News Agency, where he has established himself as a respected voice in the industry.