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You break an egg and there is white mucus.  Are they worms?  Check if you have anything to worry about

You break an egg and there is white mucus. Are they worms? Check if you have anything to worry about

When you break a raw egg, apart from the obvious yolk and white, you can sometimes see strange fibers or lumps. It doesn’t look appetizing and causes anxiety for many people. What is the white matter in a raw egg?

Fibers, goo, twists, fluff – we call them differently, and when we see them in , we usually start wondering what it is and whether it is dangerous. Some say they are nematodes, roundworms, worms. And although these sometimes happen, the characteristic white goo has nothing to do with them.

What is the white gunk in a raw egg? It’s a completely natural thing

The white coil that you see when you break the raw cheese is simply chalaza. This structure occurs in animal eggs. They are attached on one side to the membrane surrounding the yolk and on the other to the membrane surrounding the albumen. They are visible on both sides of the yolk, and their task is to fix the egg cell in a stable and unchanging position. The presence of this white goo is therefore completely natural and should not cause any concern. On the contrary.

Chalaza is a sign that the egg is fresh. It fades over time and is clearly visible in eggs that were laid relatively recently. However, its absence does not necessarily mean that the egg is already rotten. If it was stored properly, it will be completely safe to eat it.

Chalaza What is the white stuff in the egg? Photo Kumpei Shiraishi /, CC BY 2.0

How to store eggs? The refrigerator door is the worst place

Another disturbing discharge in the egg may be a red spot. It’s also a completely natural thing. It is simply a small amount of chicken blood that has gone into the chicken ovary or fallopian tube. If red spots or white goo are taking away your appetite, you can simply remove them.

If you want your eggs to stay fresh longer, remember to store them at a constant temperature. It can be a cool cabinet, preferably . Avoid keeping them on the door where they will be exposed to temperature fluctuations. Keep an eye on the expiration date, and as soon as you notice that they look strange or start to emit an unpleasant odor, it is better not to eat them.

Source: Gazeta

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